Harness the power within you

Here - You will learn the Divinity within yourself

Leaving religion is not about leaving your faith or spirituality. It is about leaving a failed modern mainstream religion of indoctrination and replacing it with a spirituality of freedom, empowerment, and connection.

The Podcast

Leaving religion Podcast  and weekly spiritual messages


Feel something is missing in your spirituality? You are not alone my friend. Leaving religion is a mix of spiritual messages designed to help an individual break away from man-made religion and find spiritual truth and enlightenment by learning to look within themselves and to tune into a real spiritual world.  It is about healing from the real trauma that comes from  religion and zealous religious institutions.

My name is Richard Ravenbrook. Some call me The Pagan Preacher.  I am a man, a life coach, and a spiritual guide. Throughout my quest for truth, the spirit has guided me along various paths. My roles have included church ministry, street ministry, and publishing, among others. I have shared this journey with Christian companions as well as pagan allies. I have received ordination in Christian ministry and have also embraced initiation into the magical arts.

The leaving Religion podcast encapsulates the wisdom and insights accumulated from these varied theologies, traditions, and philosophies. Leaving religion is about seeking true divinity and truth rather than simply following the crowd. 

The Awakening

It isn't by chance people by the hundreds are leaving religion and seeking their own spiritual paths. An awakening of enlightenment is sweeping Mother earth.

Healing from religious trauma

Many that have made the choice to leave mainstream religion also leave with deep religious trauma. Here we learn to heal while still seeking spiritual truth.

Ravenbrook Tradition

The Ravenbrook tradition is an available option for those wanting a home practice and an eclectic spiritual journey with true power and self enlightenment.

Yes - You can book a private session with Richard Ravenbrook 

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